Friday, January 28, 2011


The things I have learned in the last 4 months:

Plans are made to be broken.

Do everything with out complaining or arguing so that you may be blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation.

Patience is a virtue.

God laughs at our plans, when we think, even know we have life all figured out!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Be still.

Death can be quick.

Little kids know more that what people give them credit for.

Life is a roller coaster.

Walker takes life at 30 mph, Liz at 130 mph.

We are blessed.

We have entirely too much stuff!

Selling a house is alot of work.

Having a house on the market with a toddler is one wild ride.

Your house isn't sold till you hand over the keys.

Don't ever touch up paint unless you know for sure the paint colors are the SAME!

Friends and Family (you know the ones that are there for you, even when isn't convenient) keep you together.

Don't ever get to comfortable!

People without kids shouldn't be so quick to give advice on children.

You never know how much you mean to some people till you leave.

It's the people I never would have expected who have broken my heart regarding leaving.

Life is never dull.

The things I have learned in the last week:

God is in control.

Watch out at 48 hours before doing anything with the Wellington's. Plans just might change!

and yet again...PATIENCE!!

Plans, smans!


Everything may not be planned but God is at work. (on his own time of course)

Family/Friends/God may be the only thing constant in your life.

It's no fun having a sick baby when major changes are occuring!

Where there's a will there's a way.

All of these make more since if you have a personal relationship with me or my family. I will attempt to summarize the last 4 months, pay close attention to the last 24 hours. Four months ago my hubby was offered an amazing opportunity in Philly. After much deliberation we decided to trust God and go for it. My dad lost his job 72 hours before we left. 48 hours before Walker leaves to begin the job, details were changed and we decided not to take the position. Uncle (Walker's most treasured relative) past away in his sleep at age 97, only one week after we saw him. Weeks and holidays past bye, Walker had an interview in Paducah. Two weeks later they offered him the position. They wanted him to begin in two weeks. We delayed the start date and took the position. 48 hours before we leave Walker gets another job offer. A potential better offer for him and our family. We wait. We pray. We cry. We wonder. We are amazed at our God. We are moving, no doubt about that, but where? when? Those are the questions and we are still waiting. STill Waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few days later we end up at the doctor for a sick visit with Davis. Ear infection, red swollen throat, fever, vomit! AHHHH! And no I am not kidding, it gets better, keep reading. A few hours later we head to Tn. To go somewhere you need to pack, but wait we were already packed, packed for our new adventure in Paducah, or so we thought. So...I find some empty laundry baskets and we throw some stuff togather so we can hit the road. We still needed D's meds and by that time we got a call from our agent saying we had a showing. With only one car, our other one is full I mean cram packed with our hanging up clothes, we decided on a plan of how to pack, clean up and get d's meds. Walker get the meds, I grab more stuff for our little road trip and attempt to clean our somewhat packed staged house. Are you worn out yet?
We arrive in Tn. Walker meets with his potential boss at the other offer. We leave still unsure of what to do (yesterday). A day later (TODAY) we decide to take the TN offer. So we are not heading to Paducah, KY but, we are headed to Milan 48 hours!

(This saga is: to be continued)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011


so all this moving is literally wearing me out! i am not sure when i was more exhausted. (ok maybe when a had a newborn on my hands!!) thanks to all my wonderful friends and family who are helping us through this crazy time in our life, not sure we would survive without you! i am trying to keep my smile on and my energy level up, but man exhaustion can wear a girl out! the moving procress is just beginning and i am already so tired of being grumpy, moody, sleepy, you name it and continuing to pray for a peaceful and easy transistion.

davis spent some time with a buddy of his today so we got lots accomplished. so far today we.. got walkers car full of hang up clothes, got a load of boxes, showed our house (which required cleaning!!), went up and down the many stairs in our house a bajillion times, did four loads of laundry, and packed up more stuff, and donated a mountain of stuff to the DAV. what a day and it is just 2pm. i am anxiously awaiting my gno tonight with some of my favorite people. thank you god for such wonderful friends whom i adore. they are always there and never complain about helping me! please bless me with amazing friends in paducah.

we have had many celebrations with many of the sweetest people and feel so blessed! thanks so much for your love and well wishes. life in l-ville would not have been the same without you. i guess the payback for all the sadness about leaving is getting to hear the things people think about you. i have heard some of the sweetest compliments about my hubby, my son and myself and feel so blessed. i have hit my knees and wiped many tears the past few days and god has humbled me. many thanks to our occ friends for the wonderful food and fellowship (& pottery and davis book!!) and also to the best small group around (the cross, pictures and books will make me think of you always!).

i will try and keep you updated over the next couple of days, but go easy on me if there is not alot of activity on the blog because there will be much activity at the wellington household! love you all!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

you got alot of explaining to do...

yes, i do. well i have failed to post about the HUGE news in our life right now for lots of reasons, but it's time i went ahead and posted it...we are MOVING to PADUCAH! yes that's right we are leaving our home of almost 5 years and heading to paducah, ky in less than one week. gonna spare some details, but walker got a great offer from a company in paducah to become thier cfo. the current cfo is wanting to train her replacement and then seek a new career in ministry. i think it is a beautiful fit for walker and i know he will do amazing things for the company. we are trusting God with the transition, selling of our house, and all else that comes with relocating. please pray for us to continually seek his guidance in all that we do and that our family remains strong and united. walker begins his new position in two weeks, this gives us just enough time to pack, move and get settled (hopefully). we will miss L-ville and all of our wonderful friends and fond memories but we know God will take care of us!

Be sure to check the post before this one!!!

What Would Davis Say Part 2

*While at work the other day I decided I needed a break and headed to the restroom. With Davis in tow we both found a bathroom unoccupied and claimed it as ours for the next couple of minutes. After finishing my business I flushed as Davis walked up to the potty and said "bye bye pee pee, love you!" HA HA! That boy is so used to saying love you with bye he decided to let the pee pee know how he felt about it!! What a sweet boy!
*Part of our nightly routine involves Daddy and Davis watching shows (you tubes) on the Ipad in Davis' room. As I was handing Davis to his Daddy I kissed him goodnight and told him I would see him in the morning. As I turned to leave he said "Momma, daddy kiss!" My boy takes care of his own. I walked back gave daddy a kiss and once again headed out the door!

Friday, January 21, 2011

You just wouldn't believe I'll blog it!

Oh my I guess I am just waiting for someone to ask me how was your day, so I can tell them just how insane it has been. First, I must tell you I got some paint yesterday to touch up some spots in our house, thinking I was doing such a noble thing. WRONG!! The white was a perfect match and went on beautifully. The wall color was such a different story. Instead of painting just one spot to make sure it was a perfect match I went ahead and painted every spot!! (this is totally a liz thing) Well let's just say it was not so perfect! We let it dry over night thinking it might look better in the morning, once again WRONG!!! SO...I called the paint guy and he told me to do another coat and see what happened. Oh I did and it was still WRONG!! So we headed to the paint store to see if the paint guy could make our paint the RIGHT color. THis happened seven times till I finally got the paint color I wanted! AHHH! My sweet neighbor came over after trip number five and kept Davis and helped me with the paint matching: NOTE: this means I got Davis in and out of the car 20 times!!! He was such a trooper and really didn't mind all the hustle and bustle but mommy was worn out! He is a BIG boy and he does not travel lightly. EAch time he had his choice of toys with him that had to accompany him in and out of the paint store/house. It is just now after two and I am thinking a nap is in my future. I want you to please take my advice on paint-if you are not sure it is the same color test a small spot before using it on all walls of your house and try to keep the numbers/brand of the current paint written down so a perfect match will come quicker than 7 trips to the paint store!! Wow, what a lessoned learned!
Here is my sweet painter friend!

***here is one of the many spots that we were trying to fix

We did get to play in the snow with some of my favorite people. We had so much fun and only came in because we were FREEZING!!! I must say Kylie was a fantastic weather girl and J was a great snow tree boy! Love these kiddos and thier imaginations so much! I have enjoyed all of my many Hanauer baby experiences and will miss them terribly!

the snow tree!!
the weather girl!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow what a Wednesday

We spent the day with Charlotte and Davis was in heaven! He sure did love smothering her in kisses and showing her all his toys. Of course he has his very own name for her, Addie. Sorry Erin and Dave, Davis thinks Charlotte is just too difficult and has officially renamed her! This was the two of them at breakfest. Davis kept tickling her and she loved it! Can you tell?

Cole came over to join the fun after story hour and the three of them had a blast. They played until their hearts were content then they enjoyed some lunch! It amazed me how sweetly the three of them played togather. They would both just pat or hug Charlotte and hand her random toys when they were done with them. They loved watching her drink her bottle! They decided she would enjoy a game of peek a boo while she drank!

We ended the day with daddy, and what better way to end than with Davis' best friend (besides his mommy of course!) Daddy sure does bring out the silliness in Davis! He loves laughing with and at daddy! Gotta love my boys!