Saturday, January 22, 2011

you got alot of explaining to do...

yes, i do. well i have failed to post about the HUGE news in our life right now for lots of reasons, but it's time i went ahead and posted it...we are MOVING to PADUCAH! yes that's right we are leaving our home of almost 5 years and heading to paducah, ky in less than one week. gonna spare some details, but walker got a great offer from a company in paducah to become thier cfo. the current cfo is wanting to train her replacement and then seek a new career in ministry. i think it is a beautiful fit for walker and i know he will do amazing things for the company. we are trusting God with the transition, selling of our house, and all else that comes with relocating. please pray for us to continually seek his guidance in all that we do and that our family remains strong and united. walker begins his new position in two weeks, this gives us just enough time to pack, move and get settled (hopefully). we will miss L-ville and all of our wonderful friends and fond memories but we know God will take care of us!

Be sure to check the post before this one!!!

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