Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So much to do so little time!

I have been SO busy lately that I have really been lazy with the blog. I apologize to all those wellington way followers but time is not on my side right now! Hopefully I will do better soon! Davis is still as cute as ever and is still so much fun to be around and take pictures of, don't worry, just cause there is no blog I am still snapping away! These pictures are from this week. The first pics are one of Davis' favorite things to do, get in something. He is all about getting in a container and asking you to put stuff in with him! What a mess! (one of this favorite things to say!)

The bear hat was made at story time and he just loved helping the librarian with the story of the five little bears. He loves taking turns putting his bear on the felt board and watching the other kids participate. He is eating a grilled cheese and some yummy veggie soup! We're crossing our fingers, he has eaten much better the past few weeks!

A davis trick: I mean how many boys figure this out! How high can we shoot it?

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