Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wow what a Wednesday

We spent the day with Charlotte and Davis was in heaven! He sure did love smothering her in kisses and showing her all his toys. Of course he has his very own name for her, Addie. Sorry Erin and Dave, Davis thinks Charlotte is just too difficult and has officially renamed her! This was the two of them at breakfest. Davis kept tickling her and she loved it! Can you tell?

Cole came over to join the fun after story hour and the three of them had a blast. They played until their hearts were content then they enjoyed some lunch! It amazed me how sweetly the three of them played togather. They would both just pat or hug Charlotte and hand her random toys when they were done with them. They loved watching her drink her bottle! They decided she would enjoy a game of peek a boo while she drank!

We ended the day with daddy, and what better way to end than with Davis' best friend (besides his mommy of course!) Daddy sure does bring out the silliness in Davis! He loves laughing with and at daddy! Gotta love my boys!

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