Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Walker found himself at home with us today due to snow, so we took a little break and heading out for a snow workout. Davis loves being outside, snow or rain, so he had a blast. Mommy tried to snap tons of pics and we had some major fun. An hour later we were all freezing and ready for a hot bath to warm us up. Sure do love the memories. Nothing like a day with my boys to keep me smiling!
This stuff is so much fun to walk in!
Check out our blue snow! WE didn't like that snow was white so we just changed its' color! (to our favorite: BLUE!)

Scooping the snow!

Child labor! Gotta get the driveway shoveled some how!

Lookin up at the snow!

Snow! You are in my face!

sweetest. boy. ever.

Jeep time! What's a little snow on the ground mean? Jeep time!

Man, that is a huge snow angel!!

Helping daddy get the snow angel thing down just right!

Who needs a snow man when you have a snow PILE? YAY!

What fun!

Here is the snow ball we used to take Daddy down!

My sweet boy and me!

my boys and their sweet smiles!

sweet snow kisses from daddy

look at all this snow daddy

my favorite!

Peek a boo, I see you

CAn you see me? Loving my new elmo hat!

my daddy is SO much FUN! Daddy gave Davis his own snow shower!! What silly boys I have!

daddy! stop it! enough already!

sweet snow face

love. love. love.

Exploring the snow!

Jeep riding in the snow!

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