Wednesday, January 12, 2011

this and that

Daddy and Davis broke into the dance spirit and it was so sweet, I had to capture it on film. They both love music and not moving to a song is out of the question for Davis. I sure do love thier moves!

Dancing with Daddy coming to a program near you!!

Davis is picking up on everything we say these days and this has become his favorite! He wanted to especially tell Mimi for some reason, so Mimi, ENJOY!!

We went to Chuckie Cheese with a couple of friends today and Davis loved riding this horse. He has always been so scared to ride anything that moves, but today was our day and he loved it.

After a couple hours of playing we headed to eat at Steak N Shake, aren't these some handsome boys? They sure are a handful, but we are loving every minute of it.

When we got home Davis was infatuated with the trash can top. Don't judge me or him. It is dirty and we did wash him and the top off, but he was having so much fun. Who needs toys anyway?

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