Friday, January 7, 2011

What Would Davis Say

I am starting a new type of blogs: WWDS! I will post these as funny things come up in my days with DWDW. I hope these will keep you updated with him and his funny self and they will help me remember some of the precious memories we are making.
So we introduced the potty to Davis and he took to it beautifully. For the last month or so he has been going religiously to the potty and loving it. Here recently he began to not like it so much. We missed one night and he immediately hated it the next night. I thought I had a wonderful idea to get him back on track: UNDERWEAR! HAHA! So...we left for Target. He had his own personal "TArget gift card" so with that in one hand we set off. We found the underwear section and I began showing him the different options. He loved all of them but was set on getting the CARS underwear. He picks the underwear in one hand and the target gc in the other and we take two steps and he says "mama no". I asked him what and he said "mama no" again. I stop get on his level and say what buddy and he shakes his head and walks back to the underwear where he attempts to put the underwear right back where we found them and comes running back towards me. Not trying to put words in his mouth, but pretty sure that was my sign that he is not ready to get rid of his diapers! Oh well, we'll try again one day!

1 comment:

  1. I feel certain he will NOT start school in diapers. Good luck and remain consistent and he'll be trained soon.
