Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Would Davis Say Part 2

*While at work the other day I decided I needed a break and headed to the restroom. With Davis in tow we both found a bathroom unoccupied and claimed it as ours for the next couple of minutes. After finishing my business I flushed as Davis walked up to the potty and said "bye bye pee pee, love you!" HA HA! That boy is so used to saying love you with bye he decided to let the pee pee know how he felt about it!! What a sweet boy!
*Part of our nightly routine involves Daddy and Davis watching shows (you tubes) on the Ipad in Davis' room. As I was handing Davis to his Daddy I kissed him goodnight and told him I would see him in the morning. As I turned to leave he said "Momma, daddy kiss!" My boy takes care of his own. I walked back gave daddy a kiss and once again headed out the door!

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