Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Laughing all the way

We are slowly trying to come down off our Christmas/Holiday high and man it is crazy what a bunch of new toys does to a little boy. Whew! Mommy and Daddy are worn out. Davis has been so excited since the holidays he goes from one thing to another and he HAS to HAVE ATTENTION!!! He is such a person lover and Mommy is his BEST friend EVER!! I am not complaining, but wow I thought I needed people. I have really tried hard to new and fun activities with D as he has gotten older and he loves them. He will go to the closet (where I keep the art kits) and say "activity" to tell me he is ready to be creative. Monday we worked on all sorts of things with the letter S. We stamped, made stars and spaghetti with playdough and made the s sound over and over. He loved it and wanted to keep doing more and more activities. Luckily, it was lunch time and we made a sandwich (the letter s) and then came nap time!

Tonight Davis had some major fun with daddy and I had to capture it on film. This is for you Pawpaw. Hope you feel better real soon and hope this makes you smile. When therapy gets tough think of this little one and you will be better in no time. Mimi and Lala this goes for you too. I know taking care of a injured person is No fun! HAHA! Love to all of you!

more cute videos coming: couldn't get this silly thing to upload them all!

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