Friday, January 21, 2011

You just wouldn't believe I'll blog it!

Oh my I guess I am just waiting for someone to ask me how was your day, so I can tell them just how insane it has been. First, I must tell you I got some paint yesterday to touch up some spots in our house, thinking I was doing such a noble thing. WRONG!! The white was a perfect match and went on beautifully. The wall color was such a different story. Instead of painting just one spot to make sure it was a perfect match I went ahead and painted every spot!! (this is totally a liz thing) Well let's just say it was not so perfect! We let it dry over night thinking it might look better in the morning, once again WRONG!!! SO...I called the paint guy and he told me to do another coat and see what happened. Oh I did and it was still WRONG!! So we headed to the paint store to see if the paint guy could make our paint the RIGHT color. THis happened seven times till I finally got the paint color I wanted! AHHH! My sweet neighbor came over after trip number five and kept Davis and helped me with the paint matching: NOTE: this means I got Davis in and out of the car 20 times!!! He was such a trooper and really didn't mind all the hustle and bustle but mommy was worn out! He is a BIG boy and he does not travel lightly. EAch time he had his choice of toys with him that had to accompany him in and out of the paint store/house. It is just now after two and I am thinking a nap is in my future. I want you to please take my advice on paint-if you are not sure it is the same color test a small spot before using it on all walls of your house and try to keep the numbers/brand of the current paint written down so a perfect match will come quicker than 7 trips to the paint store!! Wow, what a lessoned learned!
Here is my sweet painter friend!

***here is one of the many spots that we were trying to fix

We did get to play in the snow with some of my favorite people. We had so much fun and only came in because we were FREEZING!!! I must say Kylie was a fantastic weather girl and J was a great snow tree boy! Love these kiddos and thier imaginations so much! I have enjoyed all of my many Hanauer baby experiences and will miss them terribly!

the snow tree!!
the weather girl!


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