Monday, January 24, 2011


so all this moving is literally wearing me out! i am not sure when i was more exhausted. (ok maybe when a had a newborn on my hands!!) thanks to all my wonderful friends and family who are helping us through this crazy time in our life, not sure we would survive without you! i am trying to keep my smile on and my energy level up, but man exhaustion can wear a girl out! the moving procress is just beginning and i am already so tired of being grumpy, moody, sleepy, you name it and continuing to pray for a peaceful and easy transistion.

davis spent some time with a buddy of his today so we got lots accomplished. so far today we.. got walkers car full of hang up clothes, got a load of boxes, showed our house (which required cleaning!!), went up and down the many stairs in our house a bajillion times, did four loads of laundry, and packed up more stuff, and donated a mountain of stuff to the DAV. what a day and it is just 2pm. i am anxiously awaiting my gno tonight with some of my favorite people. thank you god for such wonderful friends whom i adore. they are always there and never complain about helping me! please bless me with amazing friends in paducah.

we have had many celebrations with many of the sweetest people and feel so blessed! thanks so much for your love and well wishes. life in l-ville would not have been the same without you. i guess the payback for all the sadness about leaving is getting to hear the things people think about you. i have heard some of the sweetest compliments about my hubby, my son and myself and feel so blessed. i have hit my knees and wiped many tears the past few days and god has humbled me. many thanks to our occ friends for the wonderful food and fellowship (& pottery and davis book!!) and also to the best small group around (the cross, pictures and books will make me think of you always!).

i will try and keep you updated over the next couple of days, but go easy on me if there is not alot of activity on the blog because there will be much activity at the wellington household! love you all!

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