Friday, January 28, 2011


The things I have learned in the last 4 months:

Plans are made to be broken.

Do everything with out complaining or arguing so that you may be blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation.

Patience is a virtue.

God laughs at our plans, when we think, even know we have life all figured out!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Be still.

Death can be quick.

Little kids know more that what people give them credit for.

Life is a roller coaster.

Walker takes life at 30 mph, Liz at 130 mph.

We are blessed.

We have entirely too much stuff!

Selling a house is alot of work.

Having a house on the market with a toddler is one wild ride.

Your house isn't sold till you hand over the keys.

Don't ever touch up paint unless you know for sure the paint colors are the SAME!

Friends and Family (you know the ones that are there for you, even when isn't convenient) keep you together.

Don't ever get to comfortable!

People without kids shouldn't be so quick to give advice on children.

You never know how much you mean to some people till you leave.

It's the people I never would have expected who have broken my heart regarding leaving.

Life is never dull.

The things I have learned in the last week:

God is in control.

Watch out at 48 hours before doing anything with the Wellington's. Plans just might change!

and yet again...PATIENCE!!

Plans, smans!


Everything may not be planned but God is at work. (on his own time of course)

Family/Friends/God may be the only thing constant in your life.

It's no fun having a sick baby when major changes are occuring!

Where there's a will there's a way.

All of these make more since if you have a personal relationship with me or my family. I will attempt to summarize the last 4 months, pay close attention to the last 24 hours. Four months ago my hubby was offered an amazing opportunity in Philly. After much deliberation we decided to trust God and go for it. My dad lost his job 72 hours before we left. 48 hours before Walker leaves to begin the job, details were changed and we decided not to take the position. Uncle (Walker's most treasured relative) past away in his sleep at age 97, only one week after we saw him. Weeks and holidays past bye, Walker had an interview in Paducah. Two weeks later they offered him the position. They wanted him to begin in two weeks. We delayed the start date and took the position. 48 hours before we leave Walker gets another job offer. A potential better offer for him and our family. We wait. We pray. We cry. We wonder. We are amazed at our God. We are moving, no doubt about that, but where? when? Those are the questions and we are still waiting. STill Waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few days later we end up at the doctor for a sick visit with Davis. Ear infection, red swollen throat, fever, vomit! AHHHH! And no I am not kidding, it gets better, keep reading. A few hours later we head to Tn. To go somewhere you need to pack, but wait we were already packed, packed for our new adventure in Paducah, or so we thought. So...I find some empty laundry baskets and we throw some stuff togather so we can hit the road. We still needed D's meds and by that time we got a call from our agent saying we had a showing. With only one car, our other one is full I mean cram packed with our hanging up clothes, we decided on a plan of how to pack, clean up and get d's meds. Walker get the meds, I grab more stuff for our little road trip and attempt to clean our somewhat packed staged house. Are you worn out yet?
We arrive in Tn. Walker meets with his potential boss at the other offer. We leave still unsure of what to do (yesterday). A day later (TODAY) we decide to take the TN offer. So we are not heading to Paducah, KY but, we are headed to Milan 48 hours!

(This saga is: to be continued)

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