Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY 2011!

We rang in the new year with some of our bestest friends and we were all home by 9pm! Such Party animals!! We started out with an evening at Chili's then ended up at the Butler's house for some fun and fellowship. Erin bought cute little light up bracelets and squeaky horns for kiddos and they had a blast. The moms spent much of there time refereeing the many children and the daddy's had much to talk about in the living room. We had a great time with all of them and can't wait to see what 2011 means for our family! Walker and I have already discussed many changes we want to implement in 2011 and we are both praying for a FANTASTIC year. As long as he is by my side and God is our center I am confident that nothing can stop us from having a beautiful year. (I have to disclose this info: all pics were stolen from Erin's adorable blog! She is my partner in crime when it comes to taking pics!!)

Wonder what Kylie is teaching Walker?

I LOVE these two boys! SO SWEET!

The boys, wonder what they were up to?

The girls posing for thier picture! Murray you made us look so good!!


If you know Davis you know he LOVES getting "into" objects! He just so happened to drag his buddy in with him!

Davis and Will snuggling up for a long winters nap!

We welcome you 2011! May it be a year that brings us good memories, love, happiness, peace and comfort! God bless!

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