Monday, January 17, 2011

Davis will be Davis

Soaking up every minute of time with both my boys this Monday. Davis sure did wake up in a "I'm ready for some major fun" attitude this am. He found a new hiding place while I did the usual Monday laundry. He loved it so much he wanted me and daddy to jump in as well. (sorry the pics are so blurry-never taken them of a busy boy in a dryer before!

He has continued to entertain us all day and we have not stopped laughing at him. He loves telling people they are funny and today is definitely his day for being funny!

Walker loves putting Davis down for a nap (enjoys the cuddle time) and today he just so happen to fall asleep with him. I kept waiting for him to come out of Davis' room and he never did, so I peeked in and this is what I saw.....SWEETNESS!!!

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