Thursday, June 2, 2011

26 months and counting

Davis turned 26 months on Tuesday and boy has he changed since 25 months! The biggest is he is potty trained! To all the mommas out there wait till they are ready because when you do it is a breeze!! We kept thinking it has to be harder than this but Davis has just taken to it and is a pro! His favorite phrases from all the pottying are "potty power" "no more diapers for me!" "I'm a big kid!" Mia got him a cool new potty dvd and he has watched it everyday since she brought it! He says momma watch potty power! HAHA! Who knew he would love this step so much! We sure are thankful and love how easy it has been on him and us! He still has a little to learn on the number 2 end, but with time we will be a pro at that too! He loves peeing outside and loves to tell people what he peed on---only in the country folks!
Davis is still in his baby room and will hopefully give that up next. We are in no rush to get him there because he is still our little baby! Until he starts climbing out we may not even approach it! I love the fact that he sleeps so well with no interruptions and I'm just no ready for the getting out of bed stuff yet! By the time we decide to have number two he'll be ready! haha!
He is also eating so much better. The tubes really have helped his sleep and eating! He ate ham, pork tenderloin and pork chops all this week! For those of you who know him, this is HUGE! He kept saying "more meat momma" at dinner! So not use to hearing those words!
He is still very sensitive and never wants anyone to be sad, upset or angry. He attempts to soothe anyone that is in distress and he rarely gets upset too! He overheard a recent conversation to a friend about a bus accident and he asked me so much about it I finally just had to redirect him and change the subject! He will definitely take care of his sweetie one day...for now I am fine with him taking care of mommy and daddy!
Today we went swimming with my sister and Davis had a ball! Davis was timid at first but by the time we left he was saying "momma, lauda swim with me!" AND "one, two, three jump in water!" We can't wait to go back and Davis talked about it all the way home!
26 months is so much fun and we are enjoying every minute of this month!

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