Sunday, June 5, 2011

We're going CAMPING! (to appreciate this you would have to hear the camping song I have been singing to D since last week!)

Davis LOVED camping this weekend! He could have cared less that it was HOT or that Pawpaw's normal boat was broke...he was just happy! (i'm happy as he says it!) He loved playing the dirt and rocks with all of his trucks and friends, he loved hitting the ball, riding his bike, eating/drinking all the time and playing in the water!
****A SHORT POTTY TRAINING NOTE*****He did so well with his pottying too! His new favorite thing is to tell the driver to pull over when he has to pee. They always listen and he always pees! Who knew car rides would be so entertaining! He even woke up from every nap and night time with a dry diaper! Love how well he is doing with all of this despite being out of his normal routine! Thanking God too...believe me!We have sucessfully completed about 6 trips to the potty for number two! Yay...only took three new trucks to get him confident!!!

We spent LOTS of time on the boat and did about anything you can do on a boat. We fished...ate cheetos...played trucks..rode mr. chuck's knee...the list goes on and on!!

Davis had such a good time on the boat he took a three hour nap to dream about the rest of the afternoon! He woke up saying "ride pawpaw's new boat, swim?" Can you tell he was smitten with every aspect of the water! He got to ride in Pawpaw's truck, ride in his rental boat (his boat was broken!), and swim in the water...what more could you ask for? However, he did hate the life jacket and ear plugs portion of the journey. He went around asking everyone on the boat if he could take his jacket off. just to make sure he wouldn't get a different answer! He's a smart one that DWDW!

Davis loved every minute of the boat and the water. When we would just ride he would yell "weeee" or "riding in Pawpaw's new boat!" When we were in the water he would constantly yell for anyone in the boat to get in the water and swim! He is such a little water worm! I have to start looking for a better device to hold him up, because mr independant sure wants to do it all by himself! He loved riding behind the boat too! No worries about flipping in this boat!


On a side note...whose bath tub is this anyway? Notice my toys for when I soak! HAHA!

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