Monday, June 13, 2011

The Letter S

Davis got an easel from our neighborhood yard sale and I figured with it getting so hot in the afternoons we would have our school time and incorporate the easel for hands on learning! Of course he loved it and now considers his self a pro eraser, chalk writer and marker writer! We started with his favorite letter, S! He has loved letters ever since I started singing him the Davis song to teach him how to spell his name. Since then he points out letters on everything, menus, signs, buildings, etc. He especially loves to count how many s's are on something. Today we practiced drawing an s (pics below), made a sun, read s books and colored lots of s pictures. He loves to tell me what starts with the letter s as well. Library hour has always encouraged this and since we are taking the summer off I decided we could do our own learning time at home! Davis enjoys it and it helps us both beat the heat in the afternoons!
The first couple of pics are of his craft, the sun, and the others are him drawing on the easel. (s words and the letter s)

Right as we were finishing up Daddy came home! YAY!

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