Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Day

DAvis made his daddy this shirt! "DAvis loves his daddy! Daddy wore it all day for him! Such a sweet man!

i am so glad there is a day where we can celebrate all the wonderful men that are daddies. hoping and praying we celebrate them everyday but who doesn't love a special day when you get to be pampered?
to my daddy: thanks for EVERYTHING! you have always taken care of me and provided a wonderful example to me and my hubby! i love your zeal for the lord, your willingness to serve and your amazing work ethic. you have taught me so much and for that i am forever grateful. THANKS!
to my dad in law: so fortunate to have such a great example for Walker. he has learned so much from you and that is one of my greatest blessings. your drive to make others happy, love for my baby, and sweet spirit are appreciated! THANKS!
to my hubs; you make me so happy and light up our sons life. thanks for the sweet hugs, kisses and moments you share with Davis. you inspire me to be better, do more and smile. your "it's OK" attitude has certainly mellowed me out, for the better and i'm pretty sure i wouldn't' have made it through these last six months if it wasn't for you. keep pushing me, never stop being the walker Dow i fell head over heels for and keep making memories with dw. he adores you by the way! ever looked at how he looks at you and smiles? it's priceless!
to my heavenly father; amazed at how fortunate i am to serve such an amazing god. you are my rock. thanks for giving me such amazing fathers in my life. may our relationship be deeper and stronger than it was last year, may i serve you more and more every day, may others know me because you live in me. praising you for all the wonderful blessings in my life!
SIDE NOTE: DAvis wanted to sleep in his big boy bed for one of his buddies! THanks for the encouragement PArker! So. Sweet.

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