Friday, June 10, 2011

Dumbo's mommy

Before nap time Davis and I always watch a little Dumbo or Lady and the Tramp on the Ipad. Today we were watching the part where the babies are being delivered via storks. Davis can pretty much quote the movie verbatim and tell you exactly what is going to happen before it happens and today as the babies were being delivered and Jumbo was waiting for her baby, he said "Dumbo's mommy sad! No Dumbo!" He is my sensitive and compassionate little boy always wanting everyone to be happy and have what they need. God knew just what I needed by giving me you sweet boy!
Davis does not sit long enough to watch TV but will take in a few minutes of movies or you tubes before going to bed and he has gotten pretty particular about which ones he will watch with me and with Walker. Today he said "watch elephants with mommy and puppies with daddy!"
These movies have definitely helped teach him emotions and what they mean. He has the best happy, surprised, scared, sad, and mad faces around!

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