Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A mommy must have for beginning swimmers

I took my little fish (Davis) swimming yesterday and I must tell you I was impressed! I got him a new float (puddle jumper, I got my at walmart.com for 16 but they are at Dicks as well for 22) and he LOVED it! Last summer I spent lots of money on various floats and arm devices for him to stay afloat in and this one is worth all 16 dollars and more. It not only gave him independance to go around the pool on his own, but he would actually wear it! (huge, being that he refused to wear any other suit, float, etc) He was able to swim, jump in and jump off the diving board without any fear. (kinda wish he had just a little!) He would walk down the pool stairs and just jump in without any assistance: AMAZING!! He loved it and would kick his feet all around to get him where he wanted to go. We are going to Florida and it will be so nice to allow him some independance in the pool; he gets it everywhere else! He had a ball with two of our neighborhood friends and would attempt to do just what they were doing! He would call Matthew or Katiebug sit with me, or play with me! He got lots of attention, piggy back rides, played ring around the rosie, pool side jumps, laughs and splashes with those two and he had a blast while doing it! So happy to finally find a float that works!

Check out the videos of D swimming, diving, and jumping on the side of the pool?


  1. we have one of those too! so awesome! however, g now has the courage to jump in the pool without his float on. gotta be extra careful when we first get to the pool and when we're packing up to leave!

  2. and...i didn't know that was going to bring up starts instead of my name. it's erin (nase)!
