Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Night with the Ayer kiddos

Wyatt and Marley came over to play last night while their parents were in meetings. Davis enjoyed the play time and needed little attention from mommy and daddy while they were here. He loves him some friend time and he was so excited about them coming I had to keep reminding him they were not coming till he woke up from his nap! I guess that's why his nap was so short!! HA! Anyway they all had a blast and it was fun for WAlker and I to watch D play with his buddies!
Sunroom photos, waiting on dinner to be ready!

Playing in the playroom: I love the pic with them cracking up. They are too funny!

Can you tell they loved playing in the bath?

Davis and Wyatt racing in the sunroom!

and the racing continues...

Supper's ready!

Bath time

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