Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my soap box

Sorry I just have to do it, I know nobody wants to hear it but I'm gonna do it anyway! I HATE with a CAPITAL H when parents ignore their children because of their cell phones. I'm sorry but it's a personal peeve of mine that I can no longer be silent about. We have become such a I need it now society and it's like we (parents) have to have our info/texting/calling and attempt to watch over our children at the same time. Sorry folks, not possible! I have found it much easier to focus on Davis if I leave the cell phone in a familiar spot and just check it every once in a while to see if someone has called. It allows me to be completely and totally hands on with him while I am with him. Make sense? I understand there are times I need to call folks, answer the phone, etc, but come on can you really be WITH your child if you're texting every minute? I have only been texting a few short months and I have to admit it is convenient, but it can become addicting and I refuse to become its victim. I am confident I want Davis to grow up knowing his mommy loved him more than her phone and so I miss a call or text life will go on! Saw a documentary on this a while back and there were children who totally believed their parents phone calls/texts/etc was more important than they were because of how much time was spent doing those things rather than playing with them! SOOOOO sad to me! Just needed to get that out and I am sorry if I offended anyone but it's just the way I feel.

It's that time of the year again...outside activities. We love our bike trailer...can you tell?

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