Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Life lesson from Davis: I'm sorry

when i walked in the childcare room to pick up D from class he was sitting in the know the blue one you sit in when you're in trouble! yep, sweet little man was in time out! i asked the teacher what happened and she quickly explained he took a toy from one of his friends and refused to say sorry. a product of not having to share too much at home, I'm afraid! we spent the next 15 minutes trying to say sorry, but d just wouldn't do it (such a two year old stubborn thing, i guess) so i told him if we went home there would be no treats, no trucks nothing until i heard the sorry word! we made it all the way home, even stopped at walker's work hoping daddy could help him say it, nope he held strong. we got in the house and to his bedroom and as I was beginning to talk to him in the chair he began to snore.


I got to thinking as I was rocking him how in my spiritual walk the times when I refuse to do/say/help/etc with something it is when I am exhausted. maybe not in the same tired since like d, but exhausted because i haven't put Christ where i needed to, or because i have done other "important" things and neglected my relationship with HIM. Love how moments like this humble me and cause me to want to be/do better.

He is still sleeping and trust me I will win this battle, because "it is nice to be nice." (says ms. caroline)

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