Sunday, June 26, 2011

growing up...27 months

Davis yet again has filled our lives with such joy and funniness this month! Gonna start with some what would Davis say stories and pics...One day he decided to put my hair in hair clips and the next thing I know he is clipping each of his toes...maybe because he doesn't have enough hair to hold all the clips. haha! We also met "another Davis" (this is what my D calls him) at the ball park this month. Walker plays church league softball so we have spent several nights out at the park, one night in particular we met the other davis! He was four and D is only two...AMAZING! The blue doctor glasses don't need much of a story except that D is finally wearing them and they are sooo funny to all of us! The toilet paper pics are a hilarious potty story! One morning I decided I would vacuum while D was playing trucks upstairs. He yelled for me when he needed to go pee, but I couldn't hear him due to the vacuum (I thought I heard him but I thought wow his trucks are really loud this am!!). When I got up the stairs he was saying mommy davis peepee and clean up! What a sweet boy. I couldn't get mad, even though he had successfully pulled an entire roll of toilet paper out and he was attempting to clean up the pee. A story I will share with him again when he is older!

One of my other favorite moments from this month has been how he thinks we all have the same name. If you ask him what his name is he says "davis walker dow wellington" if you ask him what daddies name is he says "walker dow wellington and if you ask him what mommies name is he says "Liz walker dow Wellington" Bless him, way too many walker dows in our names I suppose!
This is a movie of D and his daddy fishing. Such a sweet moment. Love watching my boys play and have fun together. Nothing like fishing with daddy!

Davis never stops growing and changing! The things I love most about this age (27 months)...of course i love all of him, but these are my favs!
*his memory! the boy knows and remembers literally everything. i have found myself asking him things if i forget and he knows! if not he just says, momma ask daddy! he knows where everything is in milan (not hard, i know, but hey for a 2 yr old!), knows who got him every toy, shirt, etc. if you promise him something you better remember it, cause he will not! he knows multiple bible stories and will add in details if you forget something. his favs are naman, shadrack, mishack, and abindigo, zacheues, jonah, "little boy with bread and fish" (d's phrase!).
*his love for others. he without a doubt is the sweetest kid i have ever known. he loves to share, smile, give hugs and kisses and love on others. he hates it when someone is sad and will always kiss and hug them to cheer them up and it makes him so sad when someone is crying. he will ask over and over what's wrong and where they went (if they go out in assembly!)
*his language skills. he leaves out all unimportant words and details. this cracks me up. words like and, but, or, so, are completely left out. what do you need them for anyway! he has no problem making his wants and needs known. if you don't understand him he will act it out for you!! some sentences still need mommy's interpretation for those who aren't around him often, but he knows what he wants and he knows how to say it!!
*his eagerness to learn. he is very inqjuisitive and wants to know about EVERYTHING> he will do so by asking over and over until you have given him enough information to suite him! it is fascinating to me that the kid loves to learn and retains so much. he knows his left hand and right, opposites like (up, down, sad, happy, big, little, new, old), can write and find the letters s, i, o, and t, spells his name, works puzzles with no help (big boy puzzles with no knobs), the list goes on and on.
*his silliness. his new fav game is naming types of gums. he will say "momma momma dumper truck gum." and then wait for me to name one and if i don't he'll say "momma momma new gum please!" when we get done he will say "momma davis silly messes! huge silly messes!" I love when ever body else is laughing he chimes in with "dumper truck gum" because he thinks that too is so funny!
All in all I love my boy. The twos have not been so terrible and we look forward to each day we have together. I could get sad about what I don't have, but looking at what I do have makes me so happy and grateful. I am able to spend my days with the boy I love most and the most wonderful hubby ever. I am fortunate to only have him to teach, attend to and love on all day long and that my friends is nothing to be sad over!

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