Saturday, June 18, 2011


Cole and Davis back togather again...for tonight anyway!

We were so excited to get a call from some of our best friends from L-ville coming to town on Friday evening. We made some last minute plans (cause that's what you do with kiddos!) and headed to meet at the Chick fil A. The boys were in heaven and were so pumped about being reunited! The mommas and daddys were pretty excited too!! (and baby Jordan, of course!) I FINALLY got to hold sweet Jordan and she is precious and perfect in EVERY way. IT was so nice to see our sweet boys pick right up where they left off. Davis could not get enouch hugs and kisses and Cole was graciously letting him love on him! Davis repeatly asked if we could take baby Jordan and Cole home with us! He was very excited about Cole's new sister and kept staring at her as though she was a new toy. At one point in our visit he let us know he wanted her to come to his home to play with him. We let the boys play till they were sweaty and worn out! DAvis broke my heart on the way home. AS if I wasn't sad enough (leaving sweet friends is so hard!) but he kept asking if Cole was behind him and kept calling for his colebear! So sad! I held strong and told him we would see them real soon. It kept him thinking for a minute then he would say, "no colebear my home!" AS WAlker was putting him to bed he kept asking for a baby sister like cole. Walker said you want a baby? After thinking he decided he was mommy daddies baby and that was good enough! Smart kid!
It was a wonderful evening and I throughly enjoyed myself. Walker even said it was so nice to see you so happy! What can I say good friends are my natural high! Love them so much! We can't wait till our next visit!

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