Tuesday, February 1, 2011

22 months old...

Davis turned 22 months on Monday. We are amazed by how much he is changing and learning every day. He captures our hearts with his love and innocence. He is a very busy boy and keeps us on our toes. I cannot believe he will be 2 years old in only two short months. Where in the world did the time go?
He is doing some pretty crazy things these days:
-he knows most of his shapes (thanks ipad)
-he can spell words (i pad)
-he can spell his name, if he wants!
-he knows most colors (black, blue-his fav, pink, purple, red, white)
-he can do a happy face and a surprised face
-he loves numbers (and loves to say 2, 6, 9)
-he can say his name, yes all four of them!!
-he can spot a truck, bus, train, or car on the road and name it
-he loves singing songs
-he loves to dance (he even has his own dance!)
-he loves to do things with his hands (crafts with mommy!)
-he is still the most lovable little boy EVER
-he knows his mommy's and daddy's name
-he knows how to pack and label boxes!!!!
-he can say most anything (if he wants) and even makes up his own words if he doesn't like the original word!! (Charlotte-Addie, motorcycle-mongoose)
-he hates to leave anyone out (he has his daddy's heart!)
-he Loves holding hands
-he loves his friends and talks about them whenever he plays because everything seems to remind him of them!
-he can use the ipad like he his five!
-he still hates the doctor!
-he loves to play and does not really care for the TV
-he is pitiful when he is sick (we have had one rough week of sickness!)
-he loves to grab your face and point you in the right direction if you are not paying attention
-he is interested in everything (if momma or daddy is doing it, he wants to watch, help, be told what is going on, etc)
-when he says bye he most always is going to follow it up with love you! (he even told mommy's pee pee love you!!)
-he is curious where everyone is and will constantly ask about them
-if he has two of something he always says "momma two"
-he knows how old he is going to be: TWO!!
-his blankets are still his best friends!!

I am sure I am leaving out lots of things but this is all I can think of at this moment. Enjoy the next photos. Not sure if you can tell, but he has turned in to quite the ham and lady lover! He even loves singing so much he got his daddy and himself singing with the ketchup bottles!

Thank you Davis for being an amazing son! You humble me and keep me grounded. Love it when you make me smile and love on me for no reason at all. Happy 22 months!

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