Monday, February 28, 2011

23 months old and counting...

Nope, I refuse to believe it. I am dumbfounded that my little one will be 2 years old in 31 days. There is just NO WAY! Right, WRONG! He is growing so fast and changing so much I am just in complete denial that two years have almost came and went since my little Davis Walker was born into our lives. Life sure has changed since his arrival, we have so much more fun! His newest thing is telling us that things are neat. Lately if he likes something well then it is definitely neat! I asked him this am if he thought a house we were looking at was neat and he said "no pretty!" He totally keeps me on my toes.
Not a whole lot has changed since his 22 month post except that he is a complete jabber box, chatty Kathy or whatever you like to call someone who is constantly talking. haha, he gets it honest! He will even talk to his trucks, blankies, and books if we won't listen! His latest conversation that I overheard with his trucks consisted of the truck going to the md because he was sick. He told him not to cry and it was neat! (of course)
Davis still loves playing with his trucks, singing songs, playing with his two boys babies, coloring or doing any crafty activity, playing outside,or watching you tubes. He knows all of his colors, shapes and can even spot the letters s, a, o and i. He is a master pro at using the Ipad and thinks he is the only one that can use it correctly. Davis loves his buddies and family and lights up when he is around them. He loves attention and takes great pride in scaring people with his roar! (thanks daddy!) He is a mommies boy through and through, but knows how to have a good time with his daddy. He would never get tired of talking, singing, drawing or watching trucks/any mode of transportation and he is amused by watching trucks getting stuck in the mud! He loves to entertain and will do about anything to get a smile out of you. All he needs is a look from his momma when he is misbehaving and he usually corrects what he has done or was doing wrong. He is tender hearted and wants to make sure everyone gets a bite, turn, or shares whatever he is doing. When he sleeps with a person (does this when he is sick and been sickly lately) he wants to curl in there arms and be right next to them at all times. He loves to drink his juice and milk and likes eating his 5 favorite things. (exaggerating a little!)
Davis Walker Dow Wellington is 23 months old! One more month and he'll be two! He tells every one that he is gonna be two; however, this am at the grocery he told the checkout girl he was six and held up five fingers! He then told her bus, you think he wants to be older so he can go to school and ride a bus, or what?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What a week

We had a GREAT week in L-ville last week and I hope I am able to recap it for all you followers. We arrived in L-ville just in time to get to the doctor to find out Davis' ear infection still had not gone away. BOO! We headed to Mia and Pops house and all our troubles melted away. Davis had so much fun making toys out of everything he saw.

Davis sure did love playing in Mia's jacsuzzi tub. We NEED one in our next house, right?
This chair was used by all of the Poston children and now D has found it. Oh what memories!

Davis loves this new move! He gets all the girls when he does it!

what a face!

the lip pucker, such a ham

this was D's fav move with his new golf clubs
These kiddos loved playing in Cole's bed! Such a hoot!
Davis sure did enjoy hanging out with his L-ville buddies. They look pretty good for all being sickly! They all had a nasty cough and were on drugs but they all faired pretty well.

Not so sure how Gracie feels about the boys new hats!

New hats for everyone!

Love how the hugs are being given on the left and the pow wow on the right!

The infamous group shot!

take 2

Davis and his buddies loved hanging out in Cole's bed. What do we buy toys for?

We spent the weekend with some of our buddies from our Murray journey in life and we have continued to stay connected. One way we do this is by meeting every year for a little reunion we like to call the Welmckhicks! We had so much fun watching the kiddos play, eating, and playing the xBox 360! Can't wait till our next reunion, now that we are all so close we will probably make this reunion every couple of months!

Parker not too excited about jamming out!

look at Jacee's face and the look on those boys face!

Hugs for Jacee!

Davis sure did love his Jacee all weekend!
The WElMCHick Babies Rocking out!

my favorite little man!Davis, Jacee and Parker singing ring around the rosie.

Weeks/weekends like this remind me of how blessed I am. God sure does know how to take care of me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

on the road AGAIN

Davis and I are going to "work" tommorrow and then are headed to Murray KY. We have a friend declared reunion tommorrow with some of our besties in Murray and I am soo excited! I haven't seen them in quite some time and cannot wait to just relax and let our kiddos play. When we were all buddies we had no children now we have 3 total and one on the way(Lacy and Josh).
We have had a great week in L-ville and been able to share some time with most of our L-ville gang. Despite our kiddos being sickly we had a great playdate on Wednesday, got to see lots of old co-workers at Bashford, and spent some much needed quality time with Pops, Mia and Granny. We are already planning our March trip!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mia & Pops PICS with DAVIS

Recently we took Davis to get his picture made with mia & pops. The pics turned out really cute, despite D not liking the photo shoot. I tell you my little man is still so unsure of strangers. Mia and Pops didn't care and our photographer was good with kiddos so we survived, but we will just stick to get pics made outside the studio from now on!

Monday, February 21, 2011

We're here

Well Davis and I made it on our first 5 hour trip to KY togather. He did amazing in the car and kept me up to date on all the types of transportation/animals that we were passing on the road. I must tell you we did have our share of adventures:
*my SUV completely shut down 45 mins into the drive; apparently I had way too many devices plugged in and at too high of voltage!!! Who knew a prepared mommy would be a stranded one. We luckily landed in a small town about a foot away from a train track-oops. A sweet man stopped to help and then a cop pulled over as well and helped me on my way. All the while D was saying in the background, "Mommy go, mommy go"
*after stopping for lunch where they had no changing tables I get in the truck and spill my water that I had only two sips of (this is the only beverage I had all day people, it was precious!). I pulled over again to clean that mess up!
*we get to L-ville just in time for D's MD appt, did I mention my little one was running fever the entire way? As we are approaching our exit D begins screaming " mommy poopoo, new diaper." REPEAT! with a please this time! We reach a place to change him and yet no diaper changing station-AGAIN!!
*We get to the MD: same ear same infection!!!
They call my meds in at a Pharmacy in Indiana, where my parents live, and we get there to find out it will take an extra 30 mins! I let DAvis play with the random drug store toys and finally arrive at my parents after eight long hours of traveling. Boy am I glad to be "home." Gonna soak up some Mia & Pops time, friends time and work time and enjoy this week that God has so graciously given me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday...all day long!!!

We have had a mommy and davis kind of day. We've painted, ran errands and played in the yard. Let me just say we have had some fun. Anyway, we have been working with Davis on the days of the week and it's funny how I am using some of my memory strats on Davis just like I would my "favs" at the SNF. (hince the thursday all day long!) We met several neighbors today too and Davis sure has loved all the extra attention. One lady said I love sitting on my porch and listening to him talk. She said her favorite phrase was "momma, daddy home!" We sure are counting the hours till he comes home today!

Have you ever seen such a charmer? He looks so stinking big too!

This is our second time to go in Walmart in Milan and D loves stopping at this house and pretending to cook me food. This time I got an invite to come in!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Davis meets a scooper

If you know my child at all, you know he is head over heels in love with all transportation things right now. This morning on our jog to the library for story hour his dream came true: we met a scooper busy at work. Of course I hadn't thought to bring my camera so we had to come back and see them. When we got back they were leaving for lunch so instead of getting to watch them work we got our pictures made with them. Davis was in awe, and couldn't believe we were standing this close to some of the coolest tractors. He loved looking in the scoop and talking about the dirt that they put in the dump truck, so that they could put the new pipe in the ground. HEAVEN! He was in heaven!! A woman drove bye and stopped to say every little boy should have a tractor, I agreed! Boys will be boys!