Monday, February 7, 2011

We're here...with NO place to live! You ain't heard nothing yet!

So we leave L-ville bright and early Friday am and head for Milan Tn. We arrived just in time to meet Walker's new boss and see where he will be working. Then we decided to grab some lunch...they only have a few restaurants here so we headed to Subway. (something halfway healthy for once!) Next, on the agenda...finding a spot to call home until our house sells in L-ville. We drove around town with a agent who specializes in rental property and attempted to find our new place. Yes, that's right we drove to Milan without a place to live, crazy right? I would have thought so too, but with the way my life has gone lately it seemed like nothing! Anyway, so the first place we looked at was an old farm house, I'll put it to you like this I cried! It was terrible and I thought this is gonna be so different from L-ville housing. The other places Josh (agent) had were not available but he showed them to us anyway. (they were nice, but again nothing like what I expected) I was getting desperate, it was getting late and I was missing my little guy. Josh decides to pull in a woman's driveway who house was on the market and ask her if we can rent her house. ( seems a little far out right? he claims he is a milaniate and he knows everyone and everything that goes on in this town! YIKES! ) She agrees to meet us and we walk in her house. We basically plead our case to her and she allows us to look around. After we decided it was a place we could live in we leave and she says she will call us back shortly to let us know if we can rent it or not. We leave and head back to the real estate office where my mom, dad, Davis, mother in law and father in law are waiting for us (patiently I might add). We tell them what has happen in the last few hours and we basically wait to hear from the lady. She calls and graciously allows us to rent and we decide on a plan.

Let me explain a couple of things before I go on...

Our house in L-ville is staged to sell so only the essentials and boxes that can be stored are with us in the 24 ft truck.

We just agreed to rent a place that is only 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. (roughly 900 sq ft) We thought (that is what we get for thinking) we would have at least 3 bedrooms and maybe some storage room...WRONG! This house has 2 closets!

The house we agree to rent is also staged. (therefore we won't need lots of things we brought because she is going to leave her stuff in the house while we rent!

To continue the story, we have the guys put some of the front stuff in the truck in the storage building and then they head to the house. We begin unloading which has to be done piece by piece because so much of has to go to storage. Once we unload everything we go back to storage and add the remaining things. After several hours of attempting to put stuff away we decided to still had too much and headed back to the storage building (at least three times) and store more of our things. So just for the record our stuff is EVERYWHERE (storage building, our rental house, our L-ville house) Don't judge me if I don't know where something is over the next couple of weeks. (typically something completely out of my character) Well this was our move in day. You think you are tired try being here and actually lifting all of this stuff! HA HA!

Our new home (as D calls it)

Aunt Laura and Mia pack up Davis!

D sure does love his blankey and Pops!

What a face, just had to include it!

hugs for mia and pops

Davis and Pops with the surprise face...not sure what face Mia is showing!

Davis and Mia!

Lala and D...SURPRISE!
Davis loves his baby. They are napping! HA!

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