Monday, February 14, 2011

Top notch gymnastics

Davis and I had our first day without daddy in 3 weeks today. Luckily we were invited to gym time with some of our friends. We had so much fun and got to meet lots of new people. Davis got in the car from playing and started naming all of his "new" friends and after he completed the list began saying all of his old friends as well. That boy has one amazing memory and loves all of his buddies so much. I thought it was the appropriate time to sing "make new friends, but keep the old" Davis obviously liked it, because he replied "more." We will defintley be going back to TNG. It was only one dollar per the age of the child-CHEAP! They gave them all a snack and juice and the kids had a blast! Loved it!
I have to take a minute and thank God for giving us this blessing. We had such an amazing time and met some really sweet kiddos and thier mommas. Thanks for taking care of us!

yay! i get to play with some buddies.

sweet Marley!

look at those lips!
that's my silly boy

blue blocks


davis, kenslee and wyatt

look mom, i am riding a horse

me and my new buddy! we are gonna have some fun!

kenslee is sooo cute!

giddy up horsie

hi momo!

look at me!

we are so strong

such strong boys

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