Saturday, February 12, 2011

missing you...

We were headed home from D-burg tonight and I couldn't get some people off my mind. Nonny, Grandaddy, Grandpa, Aunt Nell and Uncle. Ohhh how I miss you and can't wait to see you all again. Life sure has changed since we last saw all of you and I just wish I could tell you all of those changes and hug your necks. You see each one of you comforted me in ways no one else can and ever will. You each had many years under your belt and you dealt with life with such ease and control. (or that is the way you came across to me) Sometimes when I have too much time on my hands I wonder why all of you were taken away so quickly and why I wasn't given more time with each of you. I lost three of my four grandparents in 9 months and then several years later lost Aunt Nell then Uncle. Life is not and cannot be the same with out you. I hope that everyone who still has grandparents takes advantage of every moment you have with them and you take lots of pictures to NEVER forget their memory. I hope I haven't upset too many of my family readers, but I use this blog as my voice and just needed to get it all out. I will close with some of my favs from each of them:
Grandpa P; I sure do have lots of quarters because of you! the adventures we went on at your house/property, listening to you play your guitar, your sweet loving prayers, your love for each of us grandchildren, teaching us about what you did and showing us how to use the cb radios
Nonny; your smell, your purses filled with gum and lots of kleenex, your amazement for me because I knew how to pump gas, your sweet giving spirit, your love for eating out for lunch then bringing home grandaddy a burger!, my go to girl for eating lucky charms and not getting in trouble for eating all the marsh mellows, allowing me to help you when you were scared to let anyone know just how bad things had gotten, allowing us to have our own room to eat in when all the family came over
Granddaddy: i will never forget your steaks that would melt in my mouth and that you had nailed to a perfect science, your smell, those brown work clothes you wore were awesome, i named my first born son after you-my two Davis Walker's are number one in my book!, you didn't speak much but when you did I ALWAYS listened, your love for my Nonny was unbelievable
Aunt Nell; your love for walker never ceased to amaze me, you always sat in the back with me when we went riding and held my hand, your hugs were the best
Uncle; you told me i was beautiful and did so very sincerely, love hearing your stories and what you thought was important at that given moment. love your genuine love for the bible and god. you inspired me and still do. your dedication was amazing and i will forever be indebted to you for such an amazing husband. (he claims he wanted to be just like you as a hubby), the way your interacted with my son-PRICELESS
Thank you God for such amazing people. I miss all of them terribly and know that they are safe and not hurting, but sometimes my heart aches for each of them. Only one of them was able to meet Davis Walker and I would have really loved to see each one of them love on him. I pray their memory continues to live on!
(wishing I had pics of thm all on this computer, but I do not. put some of the last photos I had with aunt nell and uncle!)

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