Monday, February 14, 2011

Be mine!

I have two valentines this year and boy am I one lucky girl. My boys know how to treat a lady and I feel like a queen most days.
To my sweet hubby whom I have known now for almost 10 years! WOWSERS! You complete me. You know how to make me smile and you love me unconditionally, what more could a girl ask for. Thanks for being my sweet thing and loving me the way you do. Despite our crazy life you have been so supportive and positive and I know hands down I would not have made it through all this without you! You amaze me with your faith and your determination. I pray you never lose your zeal. Love how when I get in a funk you know just what to do to cheer me up and make me smile. Walker Dow my life is better because of YOU!
To my sweet DW you are priceless. Motherhood is such a blessing because of you. When I get stressed or worried your sweet spirit brings me back and causes me to realize that not much else matters. You my little friend are too sweet for words, more precious than any job or all the money in the world, and so fun to be with. I love making memories with you and can't imagine life without my Davis Walker. Love love hearing your voice every morning. I can never go back to listening to an alarm clock after hearing your voice for 22 months. I choose you, even if it's earlier than I want to get up, even if the sun isn't out, even if I was having a really nice dream, I choose you! So in the words of my sweet Davis Walker, " Happy Baletimes Day!"

****don't miss my top notch gymnastics posts (two posts in one day!)

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