Sunday, February 13, 2011

oh what a wonderful weekend!

We had a great weekend complete with a trip to the park, a trip to mimi and pawpaw's and playing in the front yard. We even got to see some horses and see/ride a bus. (pics to come soon) Davis was in heaven and loved every moment of the bus adventure. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as much as we did.

lala throwing d up in the air

cheese! look at all these leaves!

Tire swinging with momma

it is hard to hold on when it is soo cold!

don't you just love that face?

and this one!

Davis sure did love swinging in the snow!

Can you tell?

The slide was pretty fun too!

my little man

look mom it's blue!

ok, i just love this. he loves to play doctor and he was showing his truck how to open its mouth so he could check out its tonsils! HAHA! Dr. Davis Walker

testing the trucks reflexes

looking at the trucks ears!

Check out Davis playing one of his favorite apps on the Ipad.

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