Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My girls

IT has taken me awhile to do this but I must say I have some of the best girl friends a person could ask for. I wanted to take a blog post to thank all my wonderful L-ville friends for all the memories and love they shared with me over the past 5 years. Each of you has been a blessing to my life and I can honestly say my life is better because of each one of you! Not everyone could attend my GNO going away party but for those of you who came it was amazing. I want to say a little about each one of you that was able to come to the party.

Christy Holt: You are an AMAZING woman. When I first moved to L-ville I thought I had officailly met superwoman. You always have such a full plate, but take no time to complain or worry. I LOVE this about you. I had so much fun exercising with you and learning that the stomach bug turned into one of the cutest little boys: JOJO! Jennifer Pentecost: To one of the first girls that I met in L-ville. I LOVE how you have no problem telling it like it is. You amaze me with your ability to juggle all life throws at you. I will never forget all of our talks at the BASH and loved being your coworker especially for trips to the dollar store and down town-to learn procedures that are CRAZY!!!
Andi: You my friend are priceless. I love your zeal for life and your spunk. You kept me sane and company when Walker was out of town. You made my little boy smile and act all silly and I am telling you that makes me proud! You are so determined and I love that about you. My only regret is that we didn't meet sooner. We would have rocked it out with some ZUMBA! THanks for all the smiles and sweet convos. You are the best neighbor a girl could ask for!
Amber Phelps: All I can say is WOW! You handled being preggers so well even when you thought you were done. You inspired me when you continued to do the mini when most girls would totally use the excuse of being preggers and quit.
Carla: I love your sweet spirit and voice and adore your little girl. Wishing that God would have let us meet sooner, but proud of the memories we do have togather. Wishing you all the best of luck with number 2 and be sure and take good notes for me!
Kim I must just start by saying I loved having you in my workout class. You kept going and kept that smile even when you thought I was gonna kill you. I loved your card and reading how much I meant to you. It made me smile. Thanks for always talking to D and giving him your sweet smile. I always loved getting cards from you, the sincerity was so heart felt!
Nicole THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the boy hand me downs. Davis absolutley loved getting his bag of clothes and going through it. He thought it was pretty neat to try it all on for us! Your kiddos are the coolest and I loved getting to spend so much time with Audrey. She will always have a special place in my heart!
Mallory You helped me with my hair and always kept it looking fun (when I would come in that is!!!) Walker loved you for that! I always loved our talks and enjoyed your littlered headed Libby so much. Davis adored her and still talks about her daily. I loved your stories and could sit and talk to you for hours!
Amy I will never forget our class moments and how inspiring you were to me. You spoke differently than most people and I enjoyed that. Your story is unique and I loved hearing your insight. You always made me smile and you taught me lots. One thing in particular "don't talk about anyone but yourself. "
Gina My mini buddy times 2! You are the craziest most fun girl I know. You are so grounded in your faith and yet you know how to have fun! There was never a time when I was around you that I did not smile or laugh out loud! So glad Jenny B introduced you to me so many years ago!
Erin: God knew what he was doing when he sent you to L-ville two years ago. You were just what I needed as a new mom and he sure did take care of me by sending me you! I have some of the best memoried of our boys togather and I will cherish them forever. It was so nice having someone who disciplined my son just like he was her own. Thanks for always sharing boys with me so we were able to go out and make a little money! Some of my fondest memories are our talks. Our DQ one sticks out! It's funny how life brought us back togather again after meeting at FHU, I am praying it will do the same SOON!
Emily: Oh my not even sure I can articulate in words what you mean to me. You were so good for me during my journey in Lville (and its not over yet!!). You helped me, taught me, inspired me, laughed with me, cried with me, more than anyone and I will love you forever for that! I guess my most favorite memories with you are our exercise ones. You were unbelievable in your strength to perservere through whatever task I gave you. I was able to see more emotions in you through that than I have ever! I loved seeing you get "red" and "sweat". Thanks for always holding me accountable and loving me like you did! Your my speedway coke icee buddy forever!Melissa my mini buddy times 2! Not too many people I can say that about. Loved all of our running memories and loved hanging with you in each race. If you ever want to do another one I am in for the torture. You amaze me with your zeal for serving others and I want to be more like that!
Courtney love love love your free spirit. I respect you so much and love all of our exercise memories! I will never forget helping you and Melissa moving in to your old apartment and all the craziness that went along with it!
Heather I will never forget learning how to get the bricks clean for your new house. It was an experience I will probably never have again and I actually really enjoyed it! I love your drive for what you do and have the best memories teaching the twos with you!
Sara Thanks for sharing your precious Gracie with me and D. Loved that you felt so comfortable with me that you would let her stay with us! We had so much fun and Davis always got plenty of hugs from her! Talks with you were always so awesome and I will never forget Ladies Retreat 2010! HA!
Love each one of you so much and am thrilled to call you my girls! I miss you all so much and would love visits, calls, etc. Can't wait to see/hear from each of you!

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