Thursday, February 3, 2011

PACKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday was a very busy day at the Wellington household as we attemted to pack some of the esentials we would take to Milan, Tn. We started the morning off right with doughnuts with Pops. Next, pops and walker headed to get pick up the moving truck. Davis and I hung around the house to pack up more last minute items. I was packing some stuff in the loft when I heard plastic being rustled around. I leaned my head over the wall and looked down only to see...
I mean what kind of momma lets her 22 month old do this?

Oh my! I could already tell this was gonna be one fun packing day with a little man running around. Luckily everything went great and we were really done with the real moving around lunch time. We had PIZZA. (important detail I'll get back to it later.) So Pops decided to take D home with him and let us finish up the last minute details. Walker and I got everything else completed and headed to our last meal in L-ville. We decided to eat mexican. WE went to the first restaurant we ate at in L-ville when we moved here and it was great. Well...later that night after my lovely day of eating I got SICK!!!! I mean stomach bug sick! My body had had enough of our horrible eating and decided to let me know it! I survived and we headed to bed early for our long day of driving on friday.


Davis, Pops, and Walker taking down the crib. I mean how many men does it take? It's obvious Davis was doing ALL the work!

See what I mean! Poor guy!

Still working! It took awhile! Can you tell?

Davis was all smiles about it though!

MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW. Packing day sure was an adventure, but not near as much fun as driving/moving day!

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