Friday, February 11, 2011

one week...we made it!

Can you say bed head?

yummy! breakfest!



Davis loves to draw and color. Goo
d thing his daddy is an artist!

and his marker is BLUE!! (his favorite color!)

Well we have officially been Tn residents for one week today. It seems as though the week has gone by rather quickly. WE are all adjusting and slowly figuring life out in a small town. Davis is probably doing better than any of us. Oh to be a child again. He loves having mommy and daddy (he had another week off!) home and all of his toys in his room (instead of his toy room). We haven't met any friends yet so Davis has become best buds with his boy dolls (bo and brady!) and he still loves entertaining his mommy and daddy. He has always loved to sing and dance, but latley he would rather be silly and sing with silly words. (as seen in the following videos) I promise I will post videos of him singing for real, but these just crack me up! It is funny whenever we sing certain songs he says class after them because it was a song he sang in class at church. This kid's memory is crazy, he remembers EVERYTHING! He misses his buddies so much, and so does his momma. You girls will never be replaced! I love all of you!

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