Sunday, February 27, 2011

What a week

We had a GREAT week in L-ville last week and I hope I am able to recap it for all you followers. We arrived in L-ville just in time to get to the doctor to find out Davis' ear infection still had not gone away. BOO! We headed to Mia and Pops house and all our troubles melted away. Davis had so much fun making toys out of everything he saw.

Davis sure did love playing in Mia's jacsuzzi tub. We NEED one in our next house, right?
This chair was used by all of the Poston children and now D has found it. Oh what memories!

Davis loves this new move! He gets all the girls when he does it!

what a face!

the lip pucker, such a ham

this was D's fav move with his new golf clubs
These kiddos loved playing in Cole's bed! Such a hoot!
Davis sure did enjoy hanging out with his L-ville buddies. They look pretty good for all being sickly! They all had a nasty cough and were on drugs but they all faired pretty well.

Not so sure how Gracie feels about the boys new hats!

New hats for everyone!

Love how the hugs are being given on the left and the pow wow on the right!

The infamous group shot!

take 2

Davis and his buddies loved hanging out in Cole's bed. What do we buy toys for?

We spent the weekend with some of our buddies from our Murray journey in life and we have continued to stay connected. One way we do this is by meeting every year for a little reunion we like to call the Welmckhicks! We had so much fun watching the kiddos play, eating, and playing the xBox 360! Can't wait till our next reunion, now that we are all so close we will probably make this reunion every couple of months!

Parker not too excited about jamming out!

look at Jacee's face and the look on those boys face!

Hugs for Jacee!

Davis sure did love his Jacee all weekend!
The WElMCHick Babies Rocking out!

my favorite little man!Davis, Jacee and Parker singing ring around the rosie.

Weeks/weekends like this remind me of how blessed I am. God sure does know how to take care of me.

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