Monday, February 21, 2011

We're here

Well Davis and I made it on our first 5 hour trip to KY togather. He did amazing in the car and kept me up to date on all the types of transportation/animals that we were passing on the road. I must tell you we did have our share of adventures:
*my SUV completely shut down 45 mins into the drive; apparently I had way too many devices plugged in and at too high of voltage!!! Who knew a prepared mommy would be a stranded one. We luckily landed in a small town about a foot away from a train track-oops. A sweet man stopped to help and then a cop pulled over as well and helped me on my way. All the while D was saying in the background, "Mommy go, mommy go"
*after stopping for lunch where they had no changing tables I get in the truck and spill my water that I had only two sips of (this is the only beverage I had all day people, it was precious!). I pulled over again to clean that mess up!
*we get to L-ville just in time for D's MD appt, did I mention my little one was running fever the entire way? As we are approaching our exit D begins screaming " mommy poopoo, new diaper." REPEAT! with a please this time! We reach a place to change him and yet no diaper changing station-AGAIN!!
*We get to the MD: same ear same infection!!!
They call my meds in at a Pharmacy in Indiana, where my parents live, and we get there to find out it will take an extra 30 mins! I let DAvis play with the random drug store toys and finally arrive at my parents after eight long hours of traveling. Boy am I glad to be "home." Gonna soak up some Mia & Pops time, friends time and work time and enjoy this week that God has so graciously given me.

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