Sunday, May 29, 2011


Our Saturday was cram packed with TONS of FUN! We played on the power wheels, played baseball, swam, rode the tractor (davis calls the lawn mower a tractor), and just enjoyed being together!

Photo Shoot before church sunday a.m.! We love some Davis pics!

On a whim we decided to out D in his big boy underwear that we have been collecting since his birthday and he has been so GREAT about going potty! I can't really believe how easy it has gone and know it will probably be a bumpy road but bye bye diapers! He has been peeing on command since he was 18 months old and we took a break with the move, the storm, the sickness, the surgery, the next move (you get it our life has been somewhat crazy!) and now we are on the road to a diaper free davis! Like I said he has done great and had none (zero!) accidents since we started friday. He has even woken up dry from his naps!!! Night time is a different story, but really who could complain about that! After holding it three days he finally went poopoo in the potty. It was a scary experience for him! WAlker and I held on to him as he went through this new adventure but he did it and guess what Mia promised him...A tRUCK! We headed to WAlmart after the deed was done and he was over being scared and that made it SO worth it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So Blogger has been giving me a hard way to go on uploading videos so I decided to upload them to another website and move them here. Enjoy! Just love catching that little boy being himself!
This video is of Davis on surgery day with happy juice in is so sad!

On a lighter note this is Davis and one of his buddies being boys!

Next is Davis being silly in the car.We were talking about different types of gum! Go figure!

Watch for more Davis videos!

Mouse in the house

Walker and I experienced our first exciting event from country living...a mouse! It took us over an hour but we caught the little bitty thing and got it out of our house, without waking up davis!! Our house was a wreck after moving from place to place and trying to capture it, but it was all worth it to be able to lay down knowing he was gone. People say when there is one there is more but I choose not to believe that way! haha! I will also go ahead and say I caught it and Walker disposed of it...enough said! Soon I'll post pics of our house without the mess!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing is sooo much FUN!

We had another fun day with our buddies Marley and Wyatt today. We mostly played outside and upstairs in Davis' playroom. The boys seemed inseparable today, (maybe two play dates in a row will do it!) and Marley and I got some serious girl time! Davis and Wyatt played trucks, trained for their triathlon coming up (love this!), went on a wagon ride, wrestled, rode jeeps, and in general just had a blast! They both had no trouble getting along they just couldn't leave poor Marley alone! Poor thing! We had several talks and they both realized I was serious about sharing with her so they FINALLY decided to let her play along! Mean ole boys! Inside fun! Snack time plus watching a little barney and pulling out every toy D owns! What FUN!

Monday, May 23, 2011

7 years of marriage bliss!

Sunday, May 22, 2011 marked our seven year anniversary. We have had so much fun, made so many memories, cried a little, laughed a lot, lost dear family/friends, birthed the most precious boy, cruised, vacationed, moved, caught a mouse and lizard, went on dates, watched movies, become closer to God, watched the wedding video now seven times, met lots of friends and most of all loved each other all the while. It is absolutely amazing how I met my best friend only 10 years ago, feels like we've known each other for ever!
Walker, thanks for the last 10 years. You are an amazing man, whom I adore and I thank God daily for having such a wonderful man in my life. I LOVE watching you with Davis! It is obvious to everyone around that you adore him and that you are one of a kind daddy! Thanks for making life so much sweeter. You my friend complete me and I love you with all my heart!
God, thank you for the gift of marriage and allowing me to meet the most awesome hubby ever. He is your servant first and formost and I love his daily example of Christ for our family. Please help him to know how much he means to us and how much we love him! Thanks for making my life so much sweeter and giving me such an amazing hubby! I will praise you forever for such a wonderful gift!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

on a personal note...

Davis continues to amaze me everyday. Whether it's his memory, his language skills, his ability to put two and two together he AMAZES me. I constantly update his monthly post with all the new stuff he is doing (that I am able to think of at that time) and love telling/showing others how smart he is...BUT...if my child knows all his colors, shapes, can spell his name, know all the animals and their sounds, recognize a million different trucks, know how to get to places in town, recognize peoples cars, remind me of our schedule during the day and when he needs his medicine and can't tell me about JESUS than I have failed as a parent. It is essential, imperative actually that I not only read Bible stories, take Davis to Bible class, tell him Bible stories, sing him Bible songs, BUT that I live a life that is constantly reflecting CHRIST! I am saying this now not because I am an amazing mother and always do this correctly, but to hold myself accountable and do better at this MIGHTY task. Our church family has recently been challenged to become a complaint free church. We wear bracelets that we have to switch wrists when we complain. This is to help us pay attention to the things we are saying and to complain less or not at all. (you are only allowed to complain if the person can do something about a restaurant and your food is not correct, etc) This daunting task was left up to the ones that wanted to take it on and we are attempting to do so. The goal is to be complain free (not switch your bracelet) for 21 days. If you can do something for 21 days it is suppose to be in your long term memory. Walker and I have accepted the challenge and we are on our way. The first couple of days have been rather difficult since we had Davis' surgery on Monday and it was kinda rough. I am using the days where I have to switch my bracelet as lessons in my speech. What am I saying and how does it affect others in a good/bad way. I have to admit I have not had a complaint free day yet, but I am becoming more and more aware of the things I say and pray this will help me in my walk with Christ. All of this I am taking back with my parenting of Davis. I want to be a positive speaker and want him to be able to see Christ in me. Speaking without complaining is a GREAT way to show him how to be Christ-like.
God give me the strength to live for you without complaining. Allow me to live in a way that causes others to see you and your glory. Complaining is so ugly and become very hard to listen too and deal with, it is also very hard to eliminate from my walk. Create in me the willingness to change and become a complaint-free person. Allow Davis to see his parents and know they love you. Give him the words to ask us about this and us the courage, knowledge to tell him about you. Strengthen our relationship as a couple as a family and as Christians.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

He's a handsome little man and WE love him!

Walker had to be in Nashville for a seminar and Davis and I decided to tag along and spend some time with a good college buddy of mine...KAREN! We had such a great time reminiscing and she loved her Davis time!

Sunday Davis decided he needed to dress up..we have missed alot of class the last couple of weeks due to sickness and the storms so Davis went to class in style to let everyone know he was back! Attention he did get...check him out! He thought he was pretty cute! Of course so did we.