Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Two year old pics...25 months

Anybody can throw some props at you in a studio and tell you to smile, but these two let you kiddos do "thier" thing and take pics of them while they are having FUN! Love me some JandS photography!!

We were finally able to get Davis two year old pics made and boy was it EXCITING! We had quite a bit of drama in our lives the past few weeks and really months for that matter but we were excited nonetheless to get D's pics made again! (Pictures are some of the most important things to this momma!) I really enjoyed picture and believe each one shows a touch of his BIG personality! Some might find the crack pic offensive but honestly it just kinda happened. It was showing a little bit in one pic and we were like wouldn't that be a Funny one! I think it will go perfect in his bathroom...atleast until he is old enough to tell me to take it down! haha
Davis has been such a trooper these last few months. He went from a town where he knew what to expect, friends who loved him and he did the same to an unfamilar town with no friends. Over time he has met more friends and come to LOVE this town. He tells everyone we are in a new house and have a new truck (the tree took out our old one, refer to older post). He is learning and changing everyday. Today when the sun was finally shining he said "mommy sun working!" I think he is tired of all the rain and storms too! He has also continued to be our little comedian. After asking him where one of his toys was he looked at me and said "daddy has it," as if to say not my problem! He loves cooking dinner with me and enjoys telling his daddy all about what he did when he gets home. I have found it sometimes causes him to eat better too! Always a plus! He loves anything to do with trucks and will name and tell you about any truck he sees and how many he has seen. He is also beginning to know his way around town. When we pass Walker's work, the gym, our house, Blues work (a special man at our church), our church and where our realotor works he lets me know what we passed and asks if we are going to that destination. We have also made him a new big boy room (pics to come soon!) at our house. He loves having a baby room and a big boy room and tells everyone he has a new truck room. He loves going to class at the gym and church (whew never knew the day would come!) and enjoys telling us what he learns in class at church. Whoever said a two year old doesn't remember things is crazy. He gets so excited about certain details of the stories and loves to talk and expand on them. All in all Davis melts our hearts everyday, makes us smile and humbles us. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy and we thank god for letting us learn from him everyday! I pray we always take the time to do so.

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