Monday, May 23, 2011

7 years of marriage bliss!

Sunday, May 22, 2011 marked our seven year anniversary. We have had so much fun, made so many memories, cried a little, laughed a lot, lost dear family/friends, birthed the most precious boy, cruised, vacationed, moved, caught a mouse and lizard, went on dates, watched movies, become closer to God, watched the wedding video now seven times, met lots of friends and most of all loved each other all the while. It is absolutely amazing how I met my best friend only 10 years ago, feels like we've known each other for ever!
Walker, thanks for the last 10 years. You are an amazing man, whom I adore and I thank God daily for having such a wonderful man in my life. I LOVE watching you with Davis! It is obvious to everyone around that you adore him and that you are one of a kind daddy! Thanks for making life so much sweeter. You my friend complete me and I love you with all my heart!
God, thank you for the gift of marriage and allowing me to meet the most awesome hubby ever. He is your servant first and formost and I love his daily example of Christ for our family. Please help him to know how much he means to us and how much we love him! Thanks for making my life so much sweeter and giving me such an amazing hubby! I will praise you forever for such a wonderful gift!

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