Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Our surgery day started off with a trip to Walmart to pick out a new truck. When nothing would suffice not being able to give Davis his milk we knew the trick...NEW TRUCKS! He only asked one more time for gum and the rest of the time he did FABULOUS! (His momma and his daddy were getting VERY hungry and thristy while we waited! )

We played in the lobby before they called Davis back with his new truck, but once he heard his name called play time was OVER. He wanted nothing to do with any of the nurses or doctors and he was ready to go home!

His gown! He thought it was pretty funny and we enjoyed telling him he was a silly mess in his dress! We had lots of time to waste since the doctor was VERY late so we played trucks, watched the ipad, went for walks, met other little ones, and rode in a wagon, oh and did I mentioned played with stickers!! HAHA! By the time he went to surgery he had covered his entire gown in stickers!

This was probably one of the worst times of the day...happy juice. Nothing more pitiful than watching the effects of the juice on your child. It essentially makes them feel and act drunk. He was so wobbly he couldn't stand up and could barely hold his head up. He was slurring his words, laughing at nothing and staring into space...really freaky!

All in all it was a REALLY hard day for all of us. The day started way too early and we didn't get home until two. FRom doctors running late, to students sticking themselves with Davis' scapel and Davis having to get blood drawn to rule out any diseases, our day was the pits! We were glad to see a beautiful new day that God made this am, especially with our little man feeling much more like himself!

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