Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing is sooo much FUN!

We had another fun day with our buddies Marley and Wyatt today. We mostly played outside and upstairs in Davis' playroom. The boys seemed inseparable today, (maybe two play dates in a row will do it!) and Marley and I got some serious girl time! Davis and Wyatt played trucks, trained for their triathlon coming up (love this!), went on a wagon ride, wrestled, rode jeeps, and in general just had a blast! They both had no trouble getting along they just couldn't leave poor Marley alone! Poor thing! We had several talks and they both realized I was serious about sharing with her so they FINALLY decided to let her play along! Mean ole boys! Inside fun! Snack time plus watching a little barney and pulling out every toy D owns! What FUN!

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