Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playdate with Marley and Wyatt

First things first we went for a wagon ride around the neighborhood. Our circle is VERY hilly so with three chunky monkeys I got one awesome workout! I think they enjoyed it too! On your mark get set go!!! So glad we have a ton of riding toys, they were all in love with them!
Davis wanted to show off his new jeep skills and he wanted Marley and Wyatt to each take a turn riding. Neither of them were too excited but they both managed a quick ride to appease Davis.
SNACK TIME!!! Nothing like fruit snacks!
Isn't it funny what they all went for first...Marley, the kitchen and the boys the TRUCKS! Totally fitting yet very funny!
It's reading time. Marley and Davis both wanted to read a couple books before playing anymore. What a hoot. They are both too funny! Notice Marley chose the chair so Davis chose the basket!

A couple of what would Davis say stories from the last couple of days: I was brushing Davis' hair and he said Mommy you hurt me. (his new fav thing to say when he doesn't want to do what he is suppose to do) I said Davis I am just brushing your hair, I didn't hurt you and he looked right at me and said mommy I'm happy! What a mess! Davis' little friend in L-ville hurt his fingers awhile back and we talked about it so Davis wouldn't do the same thing. I told him his daddy fixed them with medicine and bandaids and he was all better. So we have been to the doctor a lot the last couple of days so when the doctor would walk in and ask him if his ear hurt he would say "no daddy and mommy fixed it!" As if to say I don't need you I', all better thank you! Today I declared it floor day (all of my floors were in need of a clean so I got to work sweeping and vacumming. Davis found a smaller broom and chimed in with the wood floors. When I switched to the carpet Davis disappeared. I wasn't sure if it was becuase he has never really been fond of them or... next thing I know he has dragged his vaccuum all the way down the stairs from his play room and has started vaccumming his big boy room! Love the help DW!

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