Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the past few weeks

I may not have blogged or been around any sort of technology but I did not stop taking pics. We met some of the most amazing people when we lived on Baird Street. Our rental house was small and very different to how we are used to living but we sure did make some memories. Some of our favorite people were the two people across the street. She is 85 and we call her Grannie and her son Gary takes care of her. They always sat in their sunroom so they could watch us play outside. They loved watching Davis learn and explore the outdoors. One of their favorite times was watching us look both ways before we crossed the street to put our trash out. They said Davis squated down and overly looked both ways just like his momma told him too. We gave them some of Davis' birthday cake and now it is a new tradition to always share our birthday cake with one another. On Grannies birthday we went over and shared cake together. What sweet memories. Here are a couple of our pics!

Our precious friends rescued us in the storm and boy did our kiddos enjoy being together. They may have 14 months between them, but you wouldn't have known it, they had a BLAST! Davis loves baby Gracie and was the SWEETEST little boy ever to her. He fed her, shared his trucks with her, played peekaboo with her and the list goes on and on. He loved all the attention from Ross and Jenny too!

One night another couple and thier little one, Peyton, brought dinner over. It was so much fun to let the kiddos play and enjoy some great cooking. No matter where in my life I go I always seem to find a good cook...I met her! LeighAnn is a wonderful cook and I sure did eat some good food this night!
As much as we didn't want to we had to take Davis by the rental house to get some stuff before leaving for Dyersburg. He was very quite when we drove up and just looked around. His first about it all were, " mommy daddy new house, new truck, new trees." It broke my heart to watch him talk about the damage and to see his face with the effects of the storm. I attempted to explain that while there was damage we were all okay and all together and it could all fixed. We got out as quickly as we could and he quickly changed the topic of conversation, thank goodness!

Saturday we had Davis' two year old pics made and I took some of my own...

All the storms led Davis to eat none other than DONUTS!!!!

Don't miss the easter post coming up next...

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