Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's hot..time for the POOL!

It took a little reminding and convincing, but Davis LOVED playing in his pool today! For some reason he was a little cautious at first, and he kept saying "watch mommy" but he quickily remembered how much he loved the water. When I brought the slide out he could not believe how much fun he was having. He was allowed to splash water everywhere and make all sorts of water messes and he didn't even get in trouble! HAHA! He went up and down the slide about 100 times! He thought it was even better adding in some of his beach toys! Look at those faces, do you think he'll remember it next time I ask if he wants to go swimming? This is one of the best parts about living in a small town in the country. Davis just wore his shorts without a diaper and he made me put on my bathing suit and no one had to see us! Just watching momma, gonna make sure it is all ok before I get in!

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