Thursday, May 5, 2011

Davis Day

With the move, the storm, etc Davis has done a lot of entertaining himself. He is playing wonderful on his own, but today I decided enough was enough (or maybe I was just tired of being so busy!) and I declared it Davis Day! We have had a wonderful day doing nothing but what Davis wanted. We had so much fun we didn't come in til 12:45 and he usually eats lunch at noon! Food is NOT important when it comes to playing with trucks, at least to this little guy! WE have gone to class (the gym), the park, the bank (we rolled his money from his piggy banks and took it so he could get a sucker!), the grocery to pick up some more peanut butter and nutella-his favs, rode in the wagon, played trucks in our new to us water/sand/rock table, played with a puppy, picked up sticks, ate lunch and now HE is taking a nap-you think I wore him out? haha hope so! All in all we have had a great morning and afternoon and can't wait to continue the fun when he wakes up! We get our new car today so we are both super pumped about our "new truck." His daddy missed lunch with us today due to a meeting and he was really wanting him to be home so we may even squeeze in a daddy blessed to finally have him near and for it to be an environment that allows us to come and visit as we please. Enjoy the pics of our adventure!
Wearing mommy boots are so much more fun than wearing our own. Ready to start our garden project! THE PARK! Oh how we've missed you, stay away rain! Wagon pics and playing with the neighborhood dog or silly puppy as davis calls him.

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