Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The Easter bunny camen to Mimi and Pawpaw's house! Since we were displaced from the storm the bunny had to hop extra hard to get to our Mimi and Pawpaw's house. When we woke up Sunday am we asked Davis what he thought the Easter bunny got him and he said Trucks! Lucky for us Mimi thought like Davis!

Getting ready for church...left him with Walker for one minute and he stomped in a puddle, lucky for us it only left a spot on his socks!! Boys will be boys!

Family pics...D got his picture made with everyone!

Davis was real into Easter this year. He loved hunting eggs and loved finding what was in them even more. He loves to hide his toys and go find them and he really loves to play hide and seek.. He hides while you count and when you say ready or not here I come, he comes running and says "I found you!" Too soon he'll now how to do it for real, right now we are enjoying all his excitment with his version! Also, if he actually does stay in his hiding spot, it will be the same spot everytime!

Lala made this pretty Easter cake with Peeps! It was so yummy and Davis loved saying "Lala's cake elo (yellow)!"

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