Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Verdict

Well after four hours of shots, waiting, looking, filling out paperwork we are having Davis' second set of ear tubes put in on monday. Great way to spend your birthday, but I look at it like this atleast he will be more comfortable and feel better, what more could a mom ask for? He was such a trooper today and EVERYONE EVERYWHERE we went talked about how patient, smart and entertaining he was. He was showing off majorly, doing his colors, letters, names of all his relatives, numbers, puzzles and even making truck sounds. Most people couldn't believe he was just two. (Such a proud momma!) At the ENT he had all the nurses and receptionist in the palm of his hands. By the time we were leaving they all knew his name and he was calling them silly messes! The ENT will only do the surgery on Monday so we got a shot of antibiotics to see if he will react different to that, so we will see. The shot was very unpleasant. It took me holding his upper body and another nurse holding his lower body and the last nurse administering the shot. FUN TIMES! After filling out more paper work and allowing them to watch him for 20 mins to make sure he had no negative reactions to the shot we headed to the hospital for his preadmission paperwork. Again nothing can go quickly or smoothly these days so what do you think he did while we were waiting...pooped..what did mommy forget out in the jeep far far away...diapers! After we got all cleaned up we waited another hour to get our name called. It took about 20 mins to get through that paperwork and whew we could finally head home. Like I said Davis did AMAZING mommy not so much. (tired, hungry, thirsty, etc) I love knowing my baby can make it through not so fun days, maybe I could learn a thing or two from him! Pray all goes well until monday and that monday is a COMPLETE sucess!
God grant me assurance that all will be well with Davis and the ear battle will end soon. Allow him to not hurt, be able to eat, and rest as he should and needs. Give his momma and daddy extra strength to make it through the sleepless nights and surgery day. Thanks for the blessing of children and what Davis has meant to us. He humbles us everyday.

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