Monday, May 9, 2011


Not sure what it is but for some reason I am not tolerating today very well at all. We woke up several times during the night with Davis (has an ear infection!) and had to have a dentist appointment at 8:30 this am. On the way, I'm talking 8:15 we get a call the doctor called in sick and we would have to reschedule. I call the MD and ENT due to Davis' ear infection and get him in at 10:30. The nurse tells me if I come today I could cancel my ENT appt for tommorrow. We go, it was HORRIBLE! Davis peed on me and screamed the entire time. They send us outside with trucks and stickers and call the ENT to see what they can do. At this point antibiotics do nothing so he is kinda hopeless. Then they tell me the ENT wants to see me tommorrow and then schedule the sx. WHAT!!! Another doctor visit which means another cry fest. NOOOO! Which also means another night of no sleep for anyone!! NOOO! I drive to the ENT and ask to speak to a nurse. (today is there sx day so no mds around) and tell her the situation and ask if there is anything she can do. You guessed it, no! I start to cry and pick up DAvis to leave, I am at this point EMOTIONAL! The day has officially taken its tole on me. When I pick D up I realize he has now pooped EVERYWHERE! YES! Atleast I had one more diaper! All this goes down while WAlker is in a golf tournament...PERFECT! So unless I can get this ENT to call me back to juse schedule the sx, it is back to the ENT tommorrow, then gonna try the dentist again tommorrow afternoon. Not really feeling the doctor love at this moment!

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