Sunday, May 29, 2011


Our Saturday was cram packed with TONS of FUN! We played on the power wheels, played baseball, swam, rode the tractor (davis calls the lawn mower a tractor), and just enjoyed being together!

Photo Shoot before church sunday a.m.! We love some Davis pics!

On a whim we decided to out D in his big boy underwear that we have been collecting since his birthday and he has been so GREAT about going potty! I can't really believe how easy it has gone and know it will probably be a bumpy road but bye bye diapers! He has been peeing on command since he was 18 months old and we took a break with the move, the storm, the sickness, the surgery, the next move (you get it our life has been somewhat crazy!) and now we are on the road to a diaper free davis! Like I said he has done great and had none (zero!) accidents since we started friday. He has even woken up dry from his naps!!! Night time is a different story, but really who could complain about that! After holding it three days he finally went poopoo in the potty. It was a scary experience for him! WAlker and I held on to him as he went through this new adventure but he did it and guess what Mia promised him...A tRUCK! We headed to WAlmart after the deed was done and he was over being scared and that made it SO worth it!

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